We perform microchipping on cats and dogs. All of the animals at the Butler County Humane Society are already microchipped at the time of adoption.
If you would like to have a pet microchipped at BCHS the fee is $15.00, which provides free registration to 24Petwatch. You can also microchip your pet at our off-site clinics for $25.00 through our partner vet.
Microchipping takes the same amount of time as a regular vaccine, and feels similar to any other shot. Roughly the size of a grain of rice, the microchip is placed under your dog or cat’s skin in their upper back. These chips contain a number that, once scanned, will be able to share the owner’s information with animal shelters, dog officers, and veterinary offices. These chips regularly help lost dogs and cats find their way home, and all Butler County Humane Society shelter pets are automatically chipped before they are adopted. Please be advised that all pets coming to be microchipped must have a current rabies vaccination certificate on hand to receive their chip. Rabies tags will not suffice on their own, and we unfortunately cannot chip any pet without having a rabies certificate present.
The Butler County Humane Society offers low cost rabies and microchip clinics to community members throughout the warmer months of March through October. Thanks to the generous support of local veterinarians, we are able to provide rabies shots at these clinics for $12 per vaccination. If you bring the records of your dog or cat’s last rabies vaccination, you may be eligible to receive the three year vaccine rather than the one year vaccine. There is no additional charge for the three year vaccine.
Please be advised that all pets coming to be microchipped must have a current rabies vaccination certificate on hand to receive their chip. Rabies tags will not suffice on their own, and we unfortunately cannot chip any pet without having a rabies certificate present.
Please visit our events calendar or Facebook page to view upcoming clinic dates!