Want to share your story? Email it, along with a photo to info@butlercountyhs.org and you may be featured on our website!

“I adopted Sweetart about 4 weeks ago. I changed her name to Zoey after adopting her. She has been a BLESSING. She’s such a sweet cat. The name you guys gave her was so fitting. She adjusted to my apartment very quickly. Her first time watching TV was a bit scary for her and I’ve had some struggles with her trying to chew a wire or two, but thankfully the wire chewing is behind us and she actually enjoys watching TV with me now! She’s a playful people cat. There are toys galore scattered across my floor. I adopted her as an Emotional Support Animal. She’s been that and more. My apartment finally feels like home now. She instilled a level of comfort into my setting that’s helped me feel so, so much more centered. I’ve even given her the middle name of “Seratonin”, after the neurotransmitter, because she helps me feel peace of mind that has oftentimes been elusive. Thank you so much for this amazing cat”

“We were looking for a kitten for our 5yr old black cat Captain Jack. Hoping to find someone to help Jack maybe lose a few pounds and have a playmate/companion while we are at work. I met 6 wonderful amazing kitties (who I hope find their forever homes soon) but we didn’t spark a connection until I asked to see Luna. Once he was in my lap he didn’t want to leave even when the dogs were barking. He chose me before I even had a chance to say anything. Hearing his story made us want to love him so much more. His given name was Luna and we didn’t want to take that away so we added to it and call him Lunar. Lunar came to his fur-ever home and family October 12th and we couldn’t be more happy to have him here!!! Lunar brings us so much joy and laughs. Big brother Jack is sharing all his toys and hiding places with little Lunar. They are like two peas in a pod. Lunars personality is like nothing we could have ever imagined. It’s fun to hear the boys talking to each other and playing together. I can’t wait to see how they will grow together.”

“I have always had 2 dogs for as long as I can remember. My little Shepherd mix, Ginger, passed away in March. Stud and I both missed her. He’s my 16 yr. old Rottie/Shepherd. I always allow a little time to heal before I look for another dog. A few months passed and I started looking. Met a few who were very nice, and despite wishing I could save them all, had to pass them up. It’s a lifelong commitment when you adopt so you have to do your best to make the right choice for you AND the pet! Then I met Suzie at Butler Humane Society. She was special from the start. So I took Stud to meet her. Then we took her home as a foster-to-adopt to make sure it was the best fit for everyone. A few weeks later I signed the final papers to make it official – she’s ours! Suzie has come a long way in just a few months since she first came to the shelter. Thanks to Amy, Suzie’s 1st human mom, Suzie was able to learn to start trusting people after never having been socialized as a puppy. Stud was able to show her the ropes a little too and she is really blossoming into a great girl and a real sweetie! Hats off to Miss Amy for all she did for Suzie and what she does for all the dogs that come into her care at BCHS.”

From Boomer’s Family “We adopted Boomer in May of 2016. He became available for adoption on the day I was ready to adopt again after my last dog (Dixie) had passed away. He was born exactly one year to the day, before Dixie had passed and I feel strongly he was meant for us. He has been the light of my life and my driving force everyday. He isn’t just my dog, he’s like a son to me. He’s well behaved, loves to chase bunnies, looks forward to a new BarkBox each month, and he never stops making me a proud dog dad!”
We are so happy for Boomer & his family! You can even follow Boomer on Instagram @boomerang_boomer!!

When you walk through the kennels you see the animals and sometimes you wonder about their history. Where have they been, what was their last home like, were they loved? Sometimes you think about their future. Who will adopt them, where will they go, will they be happy? This is especially for our long term residents. They become a staple in our lives here at the shelter. As much as we love seeing them, we hope every day someone comes in and takes them home.
Itty Bitty Boo was one of those long term residents. She came to us as a stray in 2013 as a shy little kitten. She had always been a striking looking cat with her long mane and bright eyes, but her personality was always what held her back. She would tend to hide, and didn’t care much for playing or cuddling. So she was passed by, each day she remained peering out of her kennel, watching other cats come and go. Days passed, then years, and it just became common to see Itty Bitty Boo in her kennel whenever you would pass by.
Until one day a woman came in for her. She had been watching our website for years and was always drawn towards Itty Bitty Boo. She fell in love with the light in her eyes and didn’t care about her reserved nature, and finally Itty Bitty Boo found her forever home.
We no longer have to walk by her kennel and wonder, after almost four years of searching Itty Bitty Boo was home with her new Mom. Itty Bitty Boo now lives in New York City with her mom and a fur sibling. No one would have guessed Itty Bitty would have stayed at the shelter so long, or that she would be leading this illustrious starlet life in NYC, but she has truly escaped the kennel life and is now the Itty Bitty Kitty in the City!

Six hundred and forty six. That’s how many days Oakley sat waiting at BCHS. Six hundred and forty six days of people walking by his kennel and not seeing the something special all of our staff saw. Six hundred and forty six days of seeing his fellow furry friends come and go.
Oakley began wondering if there was anything else out there, any world farther than what he could see from the kennel yard’s fence. He wondered if anyone would come along and be that special someone that complimented all of his quirks.
After six hundred and forty six days in our care Oakley has found his forever home. He has a furry sister, and two parents that love and spoil him enough to erase all six hundred and forty six nights of being alone.
Oakley’s only wish was to be given the chance he deserved, much like many of our other residents that still sit and wait for their person to come along. Next time you’re in, take a longer look at those that have been with us for a while, because one day turns into six hundred and forty six faster than you can imagine.